We are ensuring that museums, heritage sites, and other cultural organizations continue to be relevant and valuable in this digital age. Our platform, therefore, plays a vital role in reaching your target audiences.
In spite of the pandemic, we've seen a growing need for travelers to find and consume cultural content other than physically.
Therefore we service and support culture institutions on their digital transformation journey.
Now, you can use our platform to share your passion for culture and travel with interested visitors and earn money at the same time!
Would you like to showcase your charming old town, inspire with a culinary tour, or share traditional sounds with an interested audience? You can offer your experiences easily and for free with our CMS on Cultural Places and share your passion with others!
The possibilities are almost unlimited.
In addition to our platform, Cultural Places also offers tailored services to your organization. We offer solutions for audio and visual contents and promotion:
We have published more than 120 media guides in 40 cities and counting