Tagged: Volkshilfe

History of Vienna: Vienna's Best Historic Streets

Wander Through Vienna’s Famous Historic Streets

Are you up for learning some pretty interesting facts about Vienna’s famous historic streets? Every street of Vienna’s old city center has its history, and once you know a little bit about it, you appreciate the sights on those streets even more. If you’ve been to Vienna, this blog post will help you to understand the sights you already saw, and if you dream...

Enjoy culture: #HelpingWithCulturalPlaces

#HelpingWithCulturalPlaces: Enjoy Culture from Your Home & Donate

Due to the health crisis we’re experiencing at the moment, the whole world is suffering in a certain way. The culture around the world is also feeling the consequences of this isolation we’re all in. Even though we were expecting it to hit us eventually, we had no idea how hard it would hit. We are all physically isolated, and prevented from doing any...


#CulturalPlacesHilft in Zeiten der Corona-Krise

Das Coronavirus betrifft uns alle. Naiv dachten wir, dass das, was in China bereits Realität war, auch dort bleiben würde. Wir hätten es besser wissen müssen. Und doch, ganz unerwartet hat sich bei uns alles schlagartig geändert. Vor wenigen Wochen wären leere Straßen, geschlossene Lokale, Abschottung und Schutzmaskenpflicht mehr als absurd gewesen und der Begriff „Social Distancing“ wäre auf Unverständis gestoßen. Heute leben wir...