Tagged: Food

7 Best Places to Eat in Vienna

Where to Eat in Vienna – from Schnitzel to Sacher’s Cake

The experience of a new culture is never complete without trying traditional food. That’s one of our favorite activities. Since we’ve been to Vienna the countless number of times, we’ve tried food in many many restaurants and thus we can tell you where you will not regret giving a certain amount of money for a nice Schnitzel or Sacher cake. We bring you the...

Balkans street food

Balkans’ Street Food – Like Heaven in Your Mouth

No traveling experience is complete without trying some traditional food from the place you’re visiting. Street food is everyone’s favorite food to experience, and especially in the Balkans. Balkans street food is something special, its tradition goes at least five centuries back. In this blog post we bring you the best of the Balkans street food, so keep reading, we hope you’re not too...

Top 5 European Cities for Foodies

Let’s be honest, when you’re travelling it’s not all about the sights you see and the landmarks you take photos of, there is something really important if you truly want to meet another’s country culture and that’s food. Without trying traditional food it’s an incomplete journey. Want to know where you can have the best experience food-wise? Keep reading to find out what are...