Tagged: Cultural places

#WirAlleSindKultur - Wie du Kunst und Kultur auch in der Krise erleben kannst

#WirAlleSindKultur — Kunst und Kultur in Zeiten der Krise

Wir alle wollen Kultur! Mittlerweile ist es ja nichts Neues mehr: Lokale, Galerien, Museen, Konzerthäuser, und vieles mehr bleiben geschlossen, Festivals und Veranstaltungen sind abgesagt. Das Coronavirus ist weiterhin aktiv, und trotz Besserung wird es voraussichtlich noch lange dauern, bis Normalität eintritt. Was bedeutet „Normalität“ dann? Wird es wieder so sein wie zu Prä-Covid-Zeiten? Oder wird sich unser Leben langfristig verändern? Wird sich die...

#WeAreAllCulture: Experience Art and Culture from Your Home

#WeAreAllCulture: Experience Art and Culture from Your Home

It’s not easy, you’re stuck at home, and as days go by you have fewer interesting things to do. You can’t go anywhere, and maybe you already read all of those books which have been waiting for you for a long time. Well, we are all in this together, we’re all stuck at home, trying to find something cool to fill our days with…...

Interesting buildings in Europe

Unique Buildings in Europe (PART TWO)

Not so long ago we published a list of 10 most unique buildings in Europe. There are so many unusual and extraordinary architectural wonders across the old continent, and it’s impossible to list all of them in one post. We’ve prepared a second part of that blog post for you, so keep reading and enjoy.

8 Interesting Facts About Mont Saint Michel

8 Facts About the Medieval Village Mont Saint Michel

Mont Saint Michel is a Medieval village on a tidal island that sits about one kilometer off the French coast in Normandy. With only less than 50 residents and over 3 million tourists each year, this is one of the most visited places in France. This wonderful complex inspired the castle from Disney’s Tangled movie and it really looks like it came straight out...

Enjoy culture: #HelpingWithCulturalPlaces

#HelpingWithCulturalPlaces: Enjoy Culture from Your Home & Donate

Due to the health crisis we’re experiencing at the moment, the whole world is suffering in a certain way. The culture around the world is also feeling the consequences of this isolation we’re all in. Even though we were expecting it to hit us eventually, we had no idea how hard it would hit. We are all physically isolated, and prevented from doing any...


#CulturalPlacesHilft in Zeiten der Corona-Krise

Das Coronavirus betrifft uns alle. Naiv dachten wir, dass das, was in China bereits Realität war, auch dort bleiben würde. Wir hätten es besser wissen müssen. Und doch, ganz unerwartet hat sich bei uns alles schlagartig geändert. Vor wenigen Wochen wären leere Straßen, geschlossene Lokale, Abschottung und Schutzmaskenpflicht mehr als absurd gewesen und der Begriff „Social Distancing“ wäre auf Unverständis gestoßen. Heute leben wir...

Culture 101: Most Interesting Ancient Cultures that Ever Existed (PART TWO)

Culture 101: Most Interesting Ancient Cultures (PART TWO)

We started this story about the most interesting ancient cultures that ever existed a while ago. In that blog post we told you a little bit about ancient Rome, ancient Greece, and exotic and interesting Mayas and Incas. You’ve read a little bit about their history, fun facts, and about the impact they had on the life that came after them. You’ve waited long...

5 Most Interesting Medieval Castles in Europe

5 Most Interesting Medieval Castles in Europe

Europe is an old continent, and it’s full of different architectural monuments, of many styles. Some of the most interesting buildings are surely its medieval castles. Some of them are mystical, some are scary, but one thing is sure — they are all beautiful. Making a list of the best ones is not easy, but somehow we managed to compile a list of our...

15 Things You Need to Know about the Eiffel Tower

15 Things You Need to Know about the Eiffel Tower

Is there a person who didn’t hear about the Eiffel Tower? Well, probably not, it’s one of the most famous landmarks in the world. You’ve seen it a million times on tv, on the internet, many of you even saw it in person. But how many facts do you know about it? We’re always up for learning new things, and we hope that you...

10 Most Unique Buildings in Europe

10 Most Unique Buildings in Europe

Architectural wonders around Europe are numerous, and you will see so many great buildings and landmarks that you’ll love. From classical buildings to the most eccentric and even weird ones, you will see so many different styles. For this list, we picked some of the buildings that we found the most interesting — the 10 most unique buildings in Europe.