Tagged: Art

4 Digital Exhibitions and Museum Tours to Enjoy from Home

4 Digital Exhibitions and Museum Tours to Enjoy from Home

Do you feel the lack of art exhibitions and museums that you can visit? It’s been too long since we were able to see some cool exhibitions. Some of the museums and galleries are finally open for visitors, but still, it’s not the best idea to go out to the public too much and to be around too many people. The good thing is...

#WirAlleSindKultur - Wie du Kunst und Kultur auch in der Krise erleben kannst

#WirAlleSindKultur — Kunst und Kultur in Zeiten der Krise

Wir alle wollen Kultur! Mittlerweile ist es ja nichts Neues mehr: Lokale, Galerien, Museen, Konzerthäuser, und vieles mehr bleiben geschlossen, Festivals und Veranstaltungen sind abgesagt. Das Coronavirus ist weiterhin aktiv, und trotz Besserung wird es voraussichtlich noch lange dauern, bis Normalität eintritt. Was bedeutet „Normalität“ dann? Wird es wieder so sein wie zu Prä-Covid-Zeiten? Oder wird sich unser Leben langfristig verändern? Wird sich die...

#WeAreAllCulture: Experience Art and Culture from Your Home

#WeAreAllCulture: Experience Art and Culture from Your Home

It’s not easy, you’re stuck at home, and as days go by you have fewer interesting things to do. You can’t go anywhere, and maybe you already read all of those books which have been waiting for you for a long time. Well, we are all in this together, we’re all stuck at home, trying to find something cool to fill our days with…...

What to Do in Vienna: Vienna Secession

The Gold-Topped Jewel of Art Noveau, the Vienna Secession

You’re probably thinking about classical music, horse carriages, and pastries, but did you know that Vienna was also crucial in the development of modern art and Art Noveau in particular? In 1897, a group of artists founded the Vienna Secession, so they could have a place to work and exhibit at, exactly how they wanted. The most famous of these artists is, of course,...