Author: Cultural Places

Picture of empress Sisi

Sisi Exhibition at Schloss Niederweiden Prolonged

Schloss Niederweiden has around 400 exhibits in its Sisi special exhibition, some of them from Empress Elisabeth’s, or ‘’Sisi’’ as she’s widely known, personal property. The good news: the exhibition has been extended until October 26, 2021! So how about a trip to eastern Lower Austria?

The Circus of Dreams at the Swarovski Crystal Worlds

If everything around you sparkles and glitters and you don’t even know where to look first, then you have most likely landed in the Swarovski Crystal Worlds in Wattens, Tyrol. Today we tell you everything about this magical and sparkling place. Discover which highlights you should not miss there – especially this summer. Click here for tickets.

Zirkus der Träume in den Swarovski Kristallwelten

Wenn alles um euch herum funkelt und glitzert und ihr gar nicht wisst, wo ihr zuerst hinschauen sollt, dann seid ihr höchstwahrscheinlich in den Swarovski Kristallwelten in Wattens, Tirol gelandet. Heute erzählen wir euch alles über diesen magischen und funkelnden Ort und verraten euch, welche Highlights ihr dort – ganz besonders in diesem Sommer – auf keinen Fall verpassen dürft. Hier geht’s zu den...

Best Small Cities in Europe Sighisoara

10 Most Beautiful Small Cities in Europe

When it comes to city breaks, most people tend to visit the largest cities. However, they are often too crowded and that can ruin your perfectly planned trip. That’s why it’s a good idea to visit a smaller city that gives you a more intimate, relaxed, and unique experience and time to explore a place in peace. There are a lot of cities like...

mockup of the new website of cultural places

Ein neuer Look für die Cultural Places Website

Habt ihr schon bemerkt, dass die Cultural Places Website anders aussieht? Durch das neue Design und die verbesserte Benutzerfreundlichkeit könnt ihr unser kulturelles Angebot jetzt noch einfacher nutzen. Wir blicken heute hinter die Kulissen und lassen euch am Designprozess teilhaben!

mockup of the new website of cultural places

A New Look for our Cultural Places Website

Have you noticed that the Cultural Places’ website has a new look? We are happy to provide you with an improved design and usability to get the most out of your cultural experiences. Learn more about the process behind the scenes in this week’s blogpost!